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Henley Music School offers all-inclusive, fun music education in all forms to any child regardless of age, ability, means or background.


Henley Music School is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, previously  founded as a community interest company in 2010, and began by benefiting the community on a smaller scale. HMS now provides all forms of music education to anyone in Henley-on-Thames and surrounding areas.


We currently benefit the community in the following ways:


  • Over 80 children take part in Music School Sundays, which include fun music groups and ensembles involving all instruments.

  • We offer free to school music clubs that take place within the school day, and as after school clubs.

  • We provide heavily subsidised or in some cases free curriculum support for the local state schools. Putting on Music introduction and fun days within the schools.

  • Individual music lessons in any instrument, with free loan of instrument for a period of time, until they can either afford it, or have no need of it.

  • We offer subsidies for children who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford lessons or clubs, offering up to 100% bursaries on fees.

  • We provide specialist piano lessons for autistic children in Bishopswood and Badgemore Schools.

  • We provide curriculum lessons to Trinity School, Sacred Heart & Badgemore schools.  These are tailored to fit budget, and in some cases are free to the school.

  • Henley Youthful Orchestra is a musical group made up of rusty older musicians who just want to play music, escape  & have fun. Rehearse once a month, pay a subscription.

  • In total over 500 local children take part.

  • We have to fund-raise to the tune of £60,000 annually in order to provide this service!

Henley Music School is a registered charity - Number 1178102
registered office: 6 Heathfield Avenue, Binfield Heath RG9 4ED
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